Employment Impacts of a Large-Scale Deep Building Energy Retrofit Program in Hungary

June 8, 2010 - 16:45 - 18:00
Nador u. 9, Faculty Tower
Event type: 
Event audience: 
Open to the Public
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz
Daniele Arena
Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)
Energy-efficient building renovation

The Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP) has investigated how a large-scale energy-efficient building renovation program would affect the labour market in Hungary: several scenarios have been analyzed and their employment effects estimated. This research has been supported by a grant from the European Climate Foundation (ECF).

At this event, 3CSEP director Diana Ürge-Vorsatz will present the final results of the study, according to which tens of thousands of jobs could be created through a deep renovation program, while significantly reducing Hungarian greenhouse gas emissions at the same time. Please see the PDF invitation below for more detailed information.

The lecture is followed by discussion and a reception. Please RSVP to: alexandra.janko@gmail.com

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