The impact of structural changes in the energy sector of CEE countries on the creation of a sustainable energy path: Special focus on investments in environmentally friendly energies and impact of such a sustainable energy path on employment and access c

TitleThe impact of structural changes in the energy sector of CEE countries on the creation of a sustainable energy path: Special focus on investments in environmentally friendly energies and impact of such a sustainable energy path on employment and access c
Publication TypeReport
AuthorsÜrge-Vorsatz, D., Lutz Mez, Gergana Miladinova, A. Antypas, Martin Bursik, Andrzej Baniak, Judit Jánossy, Diana Nezamoutinova, Jan Beranek, and György Drucker
InstitutionEuropean Parliament
Place of PublicationLuxembourg
Publisher link
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy